Writing a novel, book and anything related is a tough job because it requires a lot of creativity and thinking but it can be super easy if you work on your skill with the guidance of an expert of that field.
What Does Writing a Novel need?
With the introduction of MasterClass things have become very easy for learners. Aspiring people can learn directly through the experts and can boost their creative skill. Writing includes many genres but thriller novels are the best for people who love adventure. 😇
This genre is very entertaining but hard to write, it requires a lot of analysis and thinking but you don’t have to worry, MasterClass has Dan Brown to teach you and convert it into adventure.
One can easily write romance, comedy but thriller stories require hard work as the thriller is very unique in itself. You need step to step guidance while writing a thriller which can actually attract people. Thriller is about suspense and suspense is the heart of any thriller work.
For writing a thriller, one needs to choose a good plot and story which people learn with time but with the help of MasterClass you can learn in minimum time which will give you the best result and you can be one of greatest authors as Dan Brown is.
Dan Brown – Thriller Expert
Book lovers who love to read thrillers must know the popular name Dan Brown as he has been the author of one of the best sellers. Daniel Gerhard Brown popularly known as Dan Brown is an American author who is an expert of thrillers and creates masterpieces.
He was interested in singing and also was a teacher, he was into creative things so he quit his teaching profession to become a full time writer and this could be his best decision. If he wouldn’t have given up teaching we would not have many thriller masterpieces. 😉
He is not just an author but also a good educator who teaches students in a more practical way and can help students to have a better writing career. Dan Brown can polish any aspiring student’s skills and make his students successful writers.
What Includes Dan Brown MasterClass?
Dan Brown is an excellent writer and having lessons from him can be considered as a true blessing. His MasterClass includes 19 video lessons loaded with information and methods.
The duration of videos in total is only 3 hours and 32 minutes which makes it a good choice for students who seek to learn from him. In his classes you will learn how to research the plot and many useful techniques to maintain the suspense throughout the story.
You just don’t get 19 videos but also get a chance to learn from his experiences which he has experienced in his learning time and how he overcame them. Each lesson contains specific and useful information which eventually helps them in writing.
Lessons By Dan Brown
Dan Brown’s lessons are super easy and interesting and have so many useful ideas for students. The lessons are explained below:
1. Introduction: The very first lesson is for introducing students to the teacher and course. In this lesson you will get to know Dan Brown and he will give you suspense.
2. The Anatomy of a Thriller: The story needs unique elements to get success and this is one of the most important elements for a thriller and you will get acquainted with Dan Brown’s list of unique elements for a successful thriller.
3. Finding the Idea: This lesson will teach you how to choose the best idea out of all the available ideas. Dan Brown will teach you how you can find an interesting idea for the best work.
4. Choosing Locations: In thrillers, locations play a vital role and this lesson will teach you how to use the location.
5. Creating Heroes and Villains: As the name suggests, this lesson will educate you about character development. Dan Brown will be teaching how to arrange the characters and actions.
6. Universal Character Tools: This is one of the most important lessons as it will teach you to create secondary characters and their actions which can further help in plot development. 😊
7. Character Case Study: The Da Vinci Code: The Da Vinci Code is the best selling novel and Dan Brown will share the lesson based on this novel. He uses this novel as a medium to teach.
8. Research, Part 1: According to Dan Brown, research is very important for writing and it is well known that the more you research, the more you know and think. He will teach you how you can research on different subjects and use it for writing.
9. Research, Part 2: This lesson will take in depth the research aspect of writing with the help of Dan brown.
10. Building a Story From the Ground Up: Through this video lesson, Dan Brown teaches you from initial to final process and shows you his journey of a novel and how he has completed it.
11. Creating Suspense, Part 1: Suspense is the most important element for any thriller and Dan Brown teaches you how you can create suspense that will make readers curious. 😍
12. Creating Suspense, Part 2: This is an extended version of lesson 11 and again it will take you in deep how to develop an interesting suspense.
13. Writing Chapters and Scenes: This video lesson guides you how to develop a story further by developing scenes and chapters. You will get to know how to add scenes which will help further.
14. Selecting and Utilising Point of View: This is really an important lesson about how you can maximise the suspense by using present elements and character’s action.
15. Exposition and Dialogue: Dialogue is the means of communication between author and reader and polishing your dialogue making skills can be made easy by this valuable lesson.
16. Editing and Rewriting: Writing a novel doesn’t involve only writing but also involves proofreading and editing and there is some method to do it which you will learn in this lesson.
17 .Protecting Your Process: Dan Brown believes that if you believe in your process then the result will be in favour of you. This philosophy of his will guide how you can protect your process and be creative.
18. Life As a Writer: Being a writer is not an easy job, they need to be consistent and patient and who better than Dan Brown can teach you this. He teaches how you can be a writer and a successful one.
19. The Secret of Secrets: The suspense which he created in lesson 1 reveals here and inspires students through his intelligence and creativity.
👍 Benefits of Dan Brown’s MasterClass
One can find numerous benefits in learning directly from an expert like Dan Brown. He is an inspiration of the generation and can inspire others to learn skills which are useful for writing. In his MasterClass you will have these benefits:
- His lessons are not ordinary lessons, his lessons have so many elements to learn and students can create a strong base in writing.
- Dan Brown is a great educator and through MasterClass, you can learn how to choose elements that can fascinate the audience and reader. He will guide each step in the writing journey.
- Dan Brown is an experienced author and he shares his knowledge and experience which are invaluable and you can have ideas to solve your problems in your writing career.
- Masterclass has emerged as an incredible platform for aspiring students and if Dan Brown is teaching thriller, you must go for it. He shares the method of research for any story and plot which can make the work successful.
- His lessons will guide and make you ready for the writing profession and can make you successful who can provide quality work.
What will you learn?
Dan Brown’s lessons are an open sea of knowledge and you can take whatever you want from it. You will get to know about the character creation, plot development and other elements of any story.
His lessons will teach you the methods for dialogue writing and how you can maintain the quality throughout the work. Writing a thriller is a hard job but the creation of interesting suspense and maintaining that throughout can make it super easy.
His lessons will teach you how you can maintain suspense and can make the audience curious to know further which will allow them to read even more. His most recommended tip is “Don’t Stop”, which tells you to never stop thinking and writing even for a second while you are writing. 😚
Research is another aspect of writing which is very beneficial in plot development and can add value to your work or writing.
If you are interested in writing, you must know the importance of character and theme development and the thing is many writers fail to maintain the quality throughout the work but Dan Brown will teach you how you can be successful in maintaining the quality by following a few simple but important steps.
Is This Thrilling Writing Class Worthy?
MasterClass by Dan Brown is definitely worth the money and one can easily afford the fees for learning thrill writing from the master itself. One can get access to his lessons by paying only $90.
He is the author of The Da Vinci Code, one of the bestsellers which is enough to prove how magical his lessons could be. You are getting a chance to learn the techniques and methods from one of the bestselling authors of the 21st century and you shouldn’t miss the chance if you are interested in writing.
The MasterClass has an option of 30 days money back guarantee and if you wish to discontinue you can. But it is guaranteed that you will be satisfied once you get a lesson from him and you will learn a lot. He is the author of Origin, a mystery thriller novel, another masterpiece of his ability.
He has written so many thrillers which have fascinated the reader class and gained experience which will definitely help students in their career.
Conclusion – Final Verdict
MasterClass is the right choice for learning skills and Dan Brown is the best educator who can teach you the skill of Thriller writing. Taking lessons from him, you can enhance your skill of writing and can help you have a successful career in writing novels.
His MasterClass can make you able to write the best thriller on your own. One can learn many things about thrillers and can use it for creation. Thriller can be easy if you take Dan Brown MasterClass and he will teach you the best.
FAQs 🤔
Dan Brown teaches Thriller writing on MasterClass.
There are 19 videos available for Dan Brown’s MasterClass.
Dan Brown is an American author who is famous for his Thrilling novels.
Dan Brown is the author of the bestselling novel The Da Vinci Code.
Yes, there are several benefits of taking lessons from Dan Brown. He teaches the best technique and methods of writing any thrilling plot and his lessons can teach you the basic as well as advanced elements of writing.
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