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Kajabi Review 2021: Does it Worth? Pricing & Features Guide


What is Kajabi? How it is helpful for digital marketers?

Kajabi brings to the table a single solution for all requirements of all kinds of businesses in the e-learning industry, on one single platform where you get to log in to one dashboard to check on your website, products, marketing, emails, analytics and insights, manage campaigns, sales funnels and more!

Kajabi Review

The floral bouquet of services by Kajabi has attracted a whole stream of online course producers and owners worldwide. Many distinctively integrated features by Kajabi have made the workflow of subscription-based course providers absolutely flexible and easy.

And all the integration of different service modules together has allowed an energy shift for online course providers from solving technical problems to content and growth. So, the technically complex businesses in the e-learning industry can now be built, scaled and grown with absolute ease and pace, thanks to Kajabi!

What is Kajabi? Complete Review

With Kajabi on board, you get all the tools and help you need to launch and promote your content or knowledge as a service or a product. The niche for online courses and coaching has vastly grown over the last few years. You think you have it in you to become a mentor or a coach?

Get started with Kajabi and launch yourself impressively in very little time while Kajabi brings out the elements of surprise in your work, for you!

Now if you’re intrigued enough and already have set weekly/monthly goals of earning dollars through your content, creativity, and passion towards it, stick with us for the detailed explanation and review of Kajabi that we had for you, while you save all the time for your content and yourself! The basic flow chart of workflow on the platform by Kajabi is as below:

For Website

  • Set up your site settings
  • Build and set your homepage
  • Preview and Opt-in
  • Create and add offers
  • Market the website and start selling

For a Digital Product

  • Create a product
  • Package the product (connect payment options, etc.)
  • Sell the product

Kajabi understands the fine details that go into creating a profitable product or a website business out of your expertise/content and it works well without any kind of extra plugins or extensions in the system. It blesses its users with tremendous power to exercise control over their product and website settings and control its behavior.

Review Of Kajabi Features & Benefits

Scroll down for a list of digital products and their configurations that Kajabi has aced for you, all you need to do is create and start selling immediately.

Products: Courses, Subscriptions & Digital Products

Kajabi has all set and done in the form of blueprints that can also be called templates, that you may use for bringing to life your own digital product, be it a Mini course, an online course, a series of evergreen training, a membership product (where the customer keeps coming back, for renewals), a coaching program or maybe even a community, that is a group like a channel where you can communicate with your members who join in your program.

Kajabi For Products

You also have a blank template to choose and begin from scratch with your own ideas and design and create a tailormade digital product, according to your requirements.

Also, there is an option available as “offers” wherein you can create a combination of two or more different types of digital products that you wish to sell to your consumers.

Once a product or an offer is set up and all done, you may further move to services like setting up payment modes and methods, enrolment fees, email marketing flow, etcetera, all on the same platform we call as “Kajabi”!

Website: Create A New Website With Kajabi

Kajabi has successfully replaced WordPress in this case. Kajabi guides you in the creation of your own website, page-by-page with instructions on how every page element should look like with easy to choose theme options from a beautiful library and intuitive setting options, where you can create a custom-made design and look for all the pages.

Kajabi For Websites

It suffices the entire operation with a ‘preview’ option, so that you get to see what everything is going to look like exactly, beforehand. It surely brings a feel-good vibe with the amount of control and design flexibility a user can exercise while creating pages and that explains the beauty of this composition.

As a plus, it also grants you the power to choose your custom domain, that is build a website with an address that is memorable and unique in its own ways.

Other than creating a website or customizing pages, an option to create a blog is also in the queue for those who wish to promote their content for free. If you belong to the lesser tech-friendly group, Kajabi Assistant is there at your service 24*7, and it surely does justice to the reputation Kajabi has built in customer support, globally.

Payments: Get Paid With Kajabi Payment Gateway

Kajabi For Payments

Kajabi has integrated its infrastructure with global players of payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe, to elevate the focus towards business and not let its users lose peace of mind over money.

The process to set up payments’ mechanism with Kajabi consists of only a few steps and then you can begin counting profits, since Kajabi takes no cut, at all!

Kajabi Analytics: Smart Business Analysis

Those who know, know very well that once you have a website or a product ready and launched online, you need to have an analytics mechanism in place first, even before you deploy marketing activities for promotions.

Kajabi For Analytics

Kajabi has extractable reports and metrics that you will actually use to check & review your business, revenues and find its improvement areas.

The major areas covered in reports and metrics generated by Kajabi are as below:

  • Net Revenue – The amount you’re earning on daily basis minus any refunds.
  • Subscription Metrics – A health report of your business generated by analyzing revenue per user, recurring revenue, etc.
  • Opt-ins – This is to keep a track of submissions of forms on your landing page or query page or any other page.
  • Page Views – A page-by-page demonstration of views in the order of most views to least.
  • Product Progress – This is to trace the progress customers make with your products or website.
  • Offer sold – This shows offers purchased, in a selected time frame.
  • Affiliates – This shows affiliate stats on data points like – members referred, commissions, etc.

Kajabi For Pipeline, Email Campaigns, Events & More

Marketing is remarkably the biggest service as a composition of varied and important inclusions such as:


Kajabi Pipelines

If you’re into an online business, you must be familiar with sales funnels. They call it pipelines at Kajabi. You don’t need to be a pro in funnels, Kajabi has blueprints to choose from and build customized frameworks for lead generation, product launch or a webinar promotion, or even a coaching campaign funnel.

You can connect together different marketing channels to your funnels, for a wider approach to scale your business. They also provide pre-written copies where you just fill in the blanks and are good to go!

Email Campaigns

This feature prompts you to design and create tempting emails, that your audiences find difficult to discard or leave unread. With help of Kajabi, you can review & find a beautiful template from the library and automate subject line validations.

Kajabi For Email

With templates of every kind available within your reach, you save a huge amount of effort and time that goes into this process. You get all the flexibility to choose on what frequency should your customers see your emails and that can be automated too!

Kajabi Automations

This is an extremely powerful tool used while automating the processes in Kajabi. Based on the plan you’ve subscribed to you get access to a basic or advanced set of automation. You can add automation anywhere around Offers, pipelines, email campaigns, forms, and even posts!

Kajabi Events

Another brilliant option to stay in touch with your audiences, trending these days is hosting an event online. Events under marketing allow you to create events, seamlessly and once a type of event is created you can recreate the same event in a click, next time.

Kajabi Forms

It is always easier to track and record the user experiences and make your product more engaging through forms. Forms are little widgets like elements that are there on the website/blog that can take the inputs from users along with their credentials to add to your database. Kajabi provides automation of the forms as well to work on for once and rest is always taken care of itself.

People: Track Your Leads Daily

As soon as your product starts selling, people that make a purchase or subscribe to your products are the ones that form your community. The list of joining people appears under this section on Kajabi, where you can create assessments to collect data and understand your community better.

Kajabi For People

There’s another interesting feature under this branch called ‘Affiliates’. Affiliate is another sub-program that encourages you to collaborate with others to sell your products on your behalf and get incentivized in the form of a commission.

This program enables you to create, edit and delete an affiliate user in your account, set and activate the affiliate’s commission, create referral links or the affiliate links for sign up/log in and maintain a record for payments credited to them here. Kajabi provides a complete dashboard for this purpose where you get to review & manage registered affiliates, set up a marketing mechanism for affiliates using links, track affiliate conversions and fetch detailed reports on this.

You may also call it just another CRM where you can nourish your relationship with the customers and affiliates, without investing too much time and energy in the thought process.

This customer management solution also allows you to automate and set the interactions you wish to have with your customers such as a welcome email, thank you message, reminders before a session, etc. This helps in focusing on a deeper insight on improvement areas by assessing their behavior.

Mobile: Use Anywhere & Anytime With Kajabi App

Kajabi has a great option to convert your products to a mobile app and make it accessible from anywhere, anytime and achieve a closer connection with your target audiences.

Kajabi For Mobile

NO DEVELOPMENT REQUIRED; you get an edge over your competition just like that in a few clicks!

Kajabi makes it look like a lot smoother option with all the elements been worked upon thoughtfully that you find every bit of the experience you wish for your customers is served ready-made with this platform. All you have to do is just play along with their instructions and enjoy what comes over!

Kajabi Pricing Plans

Kajabi offers a 14-day free trial for every type of plan available, with confidence that ensures the user shall not be disappointed. Also, a user is offered a range of options divided into three major plans for both monthly and annual options, where he/she saves 20% on annual plans.

Kajabi Pricing

Note: Kajabi cancellation policy states if you wish to cancel any time before 30 days of your first payment, your money shall be refunded without any delay.

Basic Plan

Available at $149 per month for a monthly subscription and $119 per month for annual subscriptions.
It curtails a wide range of features for use: 3 products, 3 pipelines, 1 website, 1 admin user account, unlimited landing pages and marketing emails, access to 1,000 active members from the Kajabi’s own community along with 10,000 contacts.

Kajabi has grown with time in terms of popularity and built a community of its own, which is full of Kajabi users Plus, it offers all the live training sessions for free from Kajabi University, ready-to-use templates, assessments, automation, chat support and 0% transaction fees!

Most suitable for beginners who work solo or with small team sizes. Must review the Kajabi plan before you buy, there is for future to upgrade or downgrade it any time as per your need.

Growth Plan

Billed at $199 per month on monthly subscriptions and $159 on annual subscriptions. This plan is inclusive of everything a basic plan has to offer, and upgrades the limits to 15 Products, 15 pipelines, 10 admin user accounts, 10,000 active members to connect with and 25,000 shared contacts.

It also supports advanced automation features, added an affiliate program and grants you the power to remove the branding label of Kajabi from your products.

Kajabi Pro Plan

Billed at $399 per month for monthly subscriptions and $319 per month for annual subscriptions. Upgrades the facility counts to 100 products, 100 pipelines, 2,00,000 marketing emails, 20,000 active members, 100,000 contacts and 25 admin user accounts!

Apart from everything that features in Growth Plan, it includes a code editor, a proficient option for those who wish to customize and create innovations through Kajabi.

Final Say On Kajabi Review

Holistically, it is safe to say that Kajabi has done a commendable job in providing a complete, one-stop solution to its users. It bridges the gap a user finds between the growth in the business and the WHAT and HOWs that go behind the scene.

Kajabi Reviews

It is the ultimate solution for proven results and saves a lot of effort, energy and money that goes in vain when a user tries standing his/her business on different boats to reach a single destination. And for solopreneurs, it does become hectic to focus and achieve their goals when having divided attention on tools/techniques to use.

The backbone of their customer satisfaction is not just the energetic team behind customer support, but the knowledge they share in form of ‘Free live training’ from Kajabi University.

Overall, it is difficult to find flaws in such a composition which does look like a great return on investment, especially when all they’re thriving to see is your goals getting ticked off the bucket list.

Written by

Chiranshu Monga

Hey! 🙋‍♂️ Myself Chiranshu Monga, Everyday Learner & Earner. 😉 Passionate marketer & developer working heartily in digital industry from past 10+ years and love to share some quality stuff on my lovely blog:🔥 Worked with top digital brands as an Affiliate & increase there sales + Experienced in Paid Ads with Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Native Ads & Pop Ads. 🤘

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