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FlexiFunnels Review: Is It Worth The Money? (Detailed Guide)



FlexiFunnels is a cutting-edge sales funnel builder & all in one marketing tool that offers businesses the ability to create custom sales funnels with ease.

It is a cloud-based platform that provides users with a simple drag-and-drop interface, allowing even those without technical skills to create high-converting websites, and sales funnels and set up an entire online business.

With FlexiFunnels, businesses can take control of their sales process and improve their conversion rates, resulting in increased revenue and growth.

This article will provide a comprehensive overview of FlexiFunnels, including its features, benefits, and how it can help businesses achieve their sales goals.

Features offered by FlexiFunnels

Drag-and-Drop Funnel Builder

The drag-and-drop landing page & funnel builder is the heart of FlexiFunnels and what makes it so user-friendly. The builder allows you to create custom funnels with ease by simply dragging and dropping elements into place. No technical skills or coding experience is required.

All these pages are lightning quick & highly optimized for incredible user experience. In fact, we did a GTMetrix test on FlexiFunnels’ homepage to check if FlexiFunnels lives up to its claim & here is the result that we got.

Performance Report

Pre-Designed Templates

If you’re new to sales funnels or simply want to save time, FlexiFunnels offers a range of 400+ pre-designed templates that you can use as a starting point. These templates are designed by experts in the field and are proven to convert. You can easily customize them to fit your unique business needs.

A/B Testing

A/B testing is a critical part of optimizing your sales funnels, and FlexiFunnels makes it easy. With just a few clicks, you can test different elements of your funnel to see what works best for your audience. This allows you to make data-driven decisions and continually improve your conversion rates.


FlexiFunnels integrates with a range of popular marketing tools, including email marketing platforms, payment gateways, and analytics tools. This integration allows you to easily track and analyze your sales funnels, so you can make informed decisions about what to improve. 

You can integrate with many tools like Mailchimp, Razorpay, Vimeo, Cashfree, Constant Contact, Active Campaign, Sendlane, Aweber, GetResponse, GoToWebinar, iContact, PayPal, Stripe, Webhooks & etc. Apart from this, you can also integrate your pages with Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and other tools that use scripts & webhooks.

Advanced Integrations

Customizable Checkout Pages

Checkout pages are a critical part of your sales funnel, and FlexiFunnels allows you to create custom checkout pages that match your brand and increase conversions. You can easily add custom images, videos, and text to your checkout pages, making it compelling for your prospects to complete the purchase. Also, it is quite easy to add the coupon feature, bump offers, and multiple payment options on your checkout pages to your page from which you can increase the average order value.

Wait! Not only this, You can use the cart abandonment feature which can be super beneficial for you. 

But How? 

When a person added your product or service in the cart but drops out from the process of making a purchase, then the cart abandonment feature will help you like a GEM here.

You can easily filter out this data & send automated emails, and make phone calls to them to make them buy your products. This feature alone brings back a ton of sales that you could have lost otherwise.

FlexiFunnels Growth Email

Mobile Optimization

Stats shows that mobile users are more than desktop users & if your page is not mobile-friendly then this may be the major reason of your campaign failure or loss.

You don’t need a high-end developer to do such a task because FlexiFunnels automatically makes your landing pages fully mobile-optimized for any screen resolution device.
FlexiFunnels ensures that your funnels look great and work seamlessly on all devices, so you don’t miss out on potential sales.

Fully Mobile Responsive Pages

Membership Sites

The Biggest problem with the Course creators is that they end up facing major losses because of Piracy issues (which means anyone can trade your course by downloading or recording it).

Because of the huge cost, OTT-level security was only used by big companies like Netflix & Amazon Prime earlier. But luckily with FlexiFunnels, you have the power to create piracy protected courses without spending a humongous amount of money in the market.

If you’re selling a course, FlexiFunnels makes it easy to manage your members and access levels. You can easily set up different levels of access for your members, so they only see what the courses which they have subscribed to.

Plus for extra security, they have double click disabled, device-based login criteria, etc to make your courses more secure than ever.

Advanced Subuser Access

With this subuser feature you can have multiple permissions according to your project, product and integrations. You can give subuser access to your team with limited access as per your requirements.

The subuser access of FlexiFunnels is so detailed that you can regulate every single permission just with a few clicks. This way, the controls remain in your hands.

Advance Funnel Building Features

No doubt, FlexiFunnels provides advanced funnel-building features like creating upsells, down sells, lead generation funnels, funnels for webinars or any type of funnel you want to create. All of that can be done with simple drag & drop.

Advanced Analytics

This is very crucial because without analytics you cannot identify where you are burning money & which traffic is more converting & which channels (traffic source) is giving you high conversion.

Whenever you’re promoting your product or service, you need a proper report in your dashboard so that you can minimize your money burn on non-converting campaigns & increase the budget on high-converting channels to get more ROI & profits.

But, do you need any 3rd party tool for this?

The answer is no. FlexiFunnels offer an Advanced Analytics feature from which you can track everything & increase your conversions from one single dashboard. Imagine how much money a person would save(and earn) if they know what’s exactly working for them.

Flexi Funnels Performance Dashboard

Pros and Cons of Using FlexiFunnels


  1. Excellent support (live chat, email, bi-weekly QnAs, 3 kickstarter calls to boost customer success)
  2. User Friendly For Both Beginners & Advanced Level Users.
  3. Business Centralisation (FlexiFunnels Makes it easier than ever to run, analyse, and manage entire business from one place.
  4. Easy To Advanced Full Digital Marketing Course being given to the FlexiFunnels users For FREE
  5. Cost Effective & Reliable
  6. 400+ Pre-Designed Templates with  Excellent Page Speed & Mobile Responsive Pages
  7. Easy Integration with Tools
  8. Integrated Payment Solution


  1. Limited Blogging Features As Of Now.
  2. Steep Learning Curve

How to Use FlexiFunnels

Start now with Flexi Funnels

Step 1: Create an Account

The first step to using FlexiFunnels is to signup for a FlexiFunnels account. Once you choose a paid plan that best suits your needs, your login credential is instantly delivered to your email. Once you login with the same credentials, you will be taken to the FlexiFunnels dashboard where you can start building your pages & funnels.

Flexi Funnels Onboarding Checklist

Step 2: Connect Domain & Create Your First Landing Page

Flexifunnels offers a variety of pre-built landing page templates to choose from. Each template is designed to fit a specific type of business and includes a complete set of pages and elements that are optimized for maximum conversions. To choose a template, simply click on “create new project”, select the type of funnel you want to create and click on the “Use This Template” button.

Note – If you do not have a domain yet, you can skip connecting to the domain. You can use the free default domain provided by FlexiFunnels.

Step 3: Customize Your Landing Pages & Funnels

Once you have selected a landing page template, it’s time to customize it to fit your specific needs. FlexiFunnels offers a drag-and-drop editor that makes it easy to add, remove or move elements on your pages. You can also use the editor to change the text, images and colors on your pages to match your brand. Additionally, you’ll find a range of integrations that allows you to connect your funnel to your favorite tools, such as email marketing platforms and payment gateways.

Step 4: Add Your Products

The next step is to add your products to your sales funnel. FlexiFunnels offers an easy-to-use product manager that allows you to add and manage all of your products in one place. You can also use the product manager to set up pricing, shipping and tax options.

Flexi Funnels Dashboard

Step 5: Make Your Funnel Live

Once you have customized and populated your sales funnel, you’re all set to share it across all your social media channels & run ads on it to get more leads & sales.

Make sure that you preview your funnel before you launch it & don’t forget to test everything before you make it live on your social channels.

Step 6: Analyze Your Results

Finally, FlexiFunnels provides built-in analytics that allows you to track the performance of your sales funnel. You can use this data to make informed decisions about what works and what doesn’t and make changes accordingly. The analytics also give you insights into your conversion rates, pageviews, and other important metrics that can help you optimize your sales funnel for maximum results.

Anlaytics Dashboard

FlexiFunnels Pricing Plan

They are offering $397/year plan + 1% transaction fee which costs you around $33/month. You will get unlimited access to create pages, products, templates, 50 funnels,10,000 members, and 100,000 visits/month in this pricing plan with 9 users access, 9 domains integration & all available payment gateway integration.

Flexi Funnels Pricing


In conclusion, FlexiFunnels is a powerful sales funnel builder that offers a range of features and tools to help businesses increase conversions and grow their business. With its user-friendly drag-and-drop editor, pre-built funnel templates, and range of integrations, FlexiFunnels makes it easy for businesses of all sizes to create, customize, and launch a sales funnel that is optimized for their specific needs. 

The platform’s built-in analytics allow businesses to track the performance of their funnels and make informed decisions to improve their results, while the range of support options, including live chat support, ticket-based support, Kickstarter calls, email support, a knowledge base, and facebook community, ensures that users have access to the help and guidance they need to succeed. 

Whether you’re just starting out or you’re an established enterprise, FlexiFunnels is a great choice for building and optimizing your sales funnels. So why not try it for yourself today and see the results for yourself?


What is FlexiFunnels?

Flexifunnels is a sales funnel builder that helps businesses create and optimize their online sales funnels. It offers a range of tools and features to help businesses increase conversions and grow their business online.

Is FlexiFunnels easy to use?

Yes, FlexiFunnels is designed to be user-friendly with a drag-and-drop editor, pre-built funnel templates, and a range of integrations. It is easy to customize your funnel to fit your specific needs and launch it with just a few clicks.

Can I try FlexiFunnels for free?

As of now, there is no free plan but the current plans are quite affordable so anyone can take benefits of that.

What types of funnels does FlexiFunnels support?

Flexifunnels supports a wide range of funnel types, including lead generation, sales, webinar, membership, consultation funnels, product launch funnels, webinar funnels, call booking funnels, Tripwire funnels and more.

Does FlexiFunnels offer built-in analytics?

Yes, FlexiFunnels provides built-in analytics that allows you to track the performance of your sales funnel and make informed decisions to optimize it for maximum results.

Can I integrate FlexiFunnels with other tools?

Yes, FlexiFunnels offers a range of integrations with popular tools such as email marketing tools, payment gateways, video hosting platforms, webhook-based tools, Google Analytics, Tag Manager & many more tools. 

Is FlexiFunnels suitable for businesses of all sizes?

Yes, FlexiFunnels is suitable for businesses of all sizes, from small businesses just starting out to established enterprises.

Does FlexiFunnels offer customer support?

Yes, FlexiFunnels offers a range of support options, including live chat support,, ticket-based support, 3 Kickstarter calls, email support, a knowledge base, and a community forum.

If you still have any doubts regarding FlexiFunnels, you can book a demo call or ask your queries directly from FlexiFunnels experts. They’re really supportive & are specialized in solving any online business problems.

Written by

Chiranshu Monga

Hey! 🙋‍♂️ Myself Chiranshu Monga, Everyday Learner & Earner. 😉 Passionate marketer & developer working heartily in digital industry from past 10+ years and love to share some quality stuff on my lovely blog:🔥 Worked with top digital brands as an Affiliate & increase there sales + Experienced in Paid Ads with Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Native Ads & Pop Ads. 🤘

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