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StreamYard Review 2025: Is It Best Live Stream Platform?


Keeping today’s time in mind, the urge to have a digital streaming network is on an all-time rise. Everything from family video calls to professional interviews is shifting online. Streamyard is an online streaming studio working as a SaaS-based software.

StreamYard is one of the most running platforms these days, and there are surely many user love to use this live streaming platform for Interview several guests, broadcast the sessions on media platforms such as Facebook and Youtube. StreamYard

You can include more than 10 people on the stream and also keep the audience to get a lot of views. There are many things present on this platform, from connecting to the audience and even broadcasting to massive scale, there are several things available over here.

There is no need to sit in any green room or anything like this, and it doesn’t have any password to log in. Users are provided with a code for entering and that needs to be used within 15 mins. It is a very fun streaming network with several features present on this streaming platform, check out more about it in our StreamYard review.

What is StreamYard Studio?

StreamYard is an online streaming platform that can connect up to 6 to 10 users at a time. At times several people from the professional sectors use the StreamYard live streaming platform to conduct interviews and interactive sessions that can be broadcast worldwide across different social media and streaming networks.

StreamYard helps in keeping the user engaged with some efficient content and bring a good audience in there live session. Run live stream interviews and sessions across various places globally at just a single click, as its a very supportive platform. Check out the amazing features that make it different form platforms such as Facebook live below.

Review of StreamYard Features

StreamYard Features

1. Interview Sessions

Interview several guests on this broadcast to engage the audience in some amazing and interactive content. Stream yard is an amazing tool for interviews which conduct sessions at free of cost for 20 hours and have up to 10 people in the same stream. StreamYard is the ideal platform for those willing to conduct interviews online to engage the audience. There are several ways to start the broadcast, adding up the description, name, connecting 10 people, and many other such things that make the sessions easy to handle.

2. Get more Views

Get several views as the platform’s streaming abilities are extremely high & the quality of content is pretty good, that’s a great way to engage the audience in these interviews or sessions and stream it to multiple platforms simultaneously. StreamYard works with several platforms such as Facebook, Periscope, YouTube, Twitch, etc also, if someone doesn’t want to stream on any of these platforms, then they can do it on their own choice since there are multiple options. Stream Yard also teach how to create a personal server to stream the content on.

StreamYard Audience

3. Connect with the audience

Connect with the audience in the best possible manner and go further by responding to comments and questions with StreamYard, the user comments can be visible on the screen and the interview host can respond to their questions anytime they want to. You just have to make the audience feel special and valued on this network, with their amazing features.

4. Call the audience

Streamyard has some amazing feature of the call to action buttons such as like & share and it’ll be implemented on the platform in just a second which can improve audience interaction and promote their activities on the network. Everything takes place in just a single click and even the audience loves when they are able to take part in these interactions.

With these interactive sessions, both audience and streamer are happy and its a win-win situation. This is so because the audience has room to comment and the streamers get some extra audience watching these sessions.

5. Brand Broadcast

Add up some interactive logo or name to enhance the brand name in the live broadcast, add anything which helps in branding like logo, brand name, personal image or add any element. It makes the broadcast more attractive and it looks like a professional person is live and it’s attract the audience. With this feature, a lot of time is saved and one can easily keep their brand’s identity on the videos without any compromisation or too time-taking techy processes.

StreamYard Brand Broadcast

In this Streamyard review, we include every feature which is present in this live streaming platform there is no other best platform.

6. No download

Tired of downloading other platforms onto your PC and managing them all over again? Why not just use it through the PC? The StreamYard Platform is available for the users on the web and it is very easy to operate. It runs on Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. Be it anyone with a laptop or desktop, anyone can use it without any issues.

7. Use everywhere

The platform helps in broadcasting everything across the globe, through different destinations. It works with different platforms and anyone from different countries can connect to each other, without any issues. If someone wants to stream from another country and broadcast it in another, then they can do so. In tough situations, such platforms are literally godsend! There is absolutely no limitation to the country-wise operation and so several people can connect to.

8. Save time

The connecting network saves A LOT of time that goes into virtual connecting and everything. Also, the quality & clarity isn’t clear enough, but with them, even that is very clear and sound. There is a lot of room for optimizing several things and it takes care of everything else. The platform saves time by providing options such as green room, image upload, video upload, color change, etc. to make the sessions interactive without spending much time. Therefore, it just requires a second to connect and that’s it!

9. Broadcasts

View all the broadcasts that are conducted through this platform in just a second. They show everything from the upcoming broadcasts to the ones that took place in the past. Also, schedule the broadcasts for further ahead so that there is nothing to do at that moment apart from logging in and initiating the same. One can also create broadcasts right at that moment by adding up the destination of broadcast, timing, green room setting, etc.

StreamYard Streaming Platform

10. Destinations

There are several destinations present over here where the person can display the live broadcast, in literally just a second. Stream it as often as required and connect the audience to the platform in several ways. The options present over here are:

  • Facebook: Page. Group, Profile.
  • LinkedIn: Page, Event, Profile.
  • Youtube channel.
  • Periscope.
  • Twitch.

Also, if StreamYard isn’t integrated with the platform you wish to have, then use the custom RTMP to broadcast the live stream on the same.

11. Create Personal Servers

Want to have your own destination to stream the content at, why not create it with the help of StreamYard? Yes, apart from just providing room to stream content, they also guide the people on how to create their own servers for streaming. These servers can be created on google cloud and further integrated with either VLC Media Player or the WordPress site/application. They teach how to do everything step by step and a person doesn’t need to worry about how to have their own place to stream the content.

12. Great for Facebook Streamers

Do a split-screen interview on Facebook Live since they don’t have any such thing going on. Many people wish to create live sessions whilst staying in different rooms, and with them, this is definitely possible. It is a perfect alternative since they let up to 10 people join on the same, and also allow audiences to take part through comments, questions, etc. Facebook’s live experience is quite weak in several ways, therefore with this streaming network, one can improve its quality and methods to stream the content.

StreamYard Pricing & Plans

There are three options available over here for StreamYard, and one of them is free. The pricing options available are:

StreamYard Pricing & Plans

1. StreamYard Free Plan:

  • StreamYard Branding in the streams.
  • Streaming limits.
  • 6 on-screen participants.

2. Basic-$20.00/Month:

  • No StreamYard Branding present on the streams.
  • Unlimited streaming.
  • 10 on-screen participants.
  • Logo.
  • Overlays.
  • Backgrounds.
  • Custom RTMP Destinations.
  • Recording- 4 hours/every stream.
  • Multistream- 2 destinations.

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3. Professional- $39.00/Month:

  • All the above features.
  • Recording- 8 hours/ every stream.
  • Multistream- 5 destinations.

Pros & Cons of StreamYard


  • Easy customization.
  • Different streaming options.
  • Can connect many people.
  • Interactive sessions made possible.
  • Different pricing packages.


  • A few limited features.

StreamYard Reviews By Customers

Whilst there are several Streamyard reviews, some of them even have loved this platform to the core, it’s very supportive and has all feature a user requires for the live streaming platform. Some of the reviews even read that the platform is something that is built for everyone. Also, the experience becomes nice and even more beneficial for the audiences they are trying to influence. Everyone appreciates its presence and feels that it has everything one may ever require.

StreamYard Reviews & Rating

Another review reads that Facebook Live wasn’t working for them on a particular day, they eventually used StreamYard and went live on Facebook with it. They say that the platform is amazing and she is really thankful for this incredible app. There are several people on this platform who appreciate their services, and the best part is that the people do not even need to pay necessarily for the platform.

StreamYard Review Final Verdict – Worthy or not?

Yes, if you ask us, this is a very worthy platform and has every live streaming feature that a person may ever require. The platform features live streaming and makes green room customization very easy. The features are also pretty supportive as they let the audience react and influence whilst the live streaming is taking place. The best part is that the broadcasts can be created at a fraction of a second and it is so easy to go through the entire platform.

Within seconds, and just a few clicks, everything is ready for the users, and they are all set, to begin with, their live broadcasts. There are several things such as green room automation, multiple streaming platforms, and even creating a server on own. This is a great way to boost up the business and earn some great audiences on these live sessions and videos as they provide several options to stream.

Hope you like this Streamyard review, this platform can be used for both professional and entertainment purposes and you can save a lot of time that goes into technical setting up every such thing, and also one can set up their broadcasts for someday ahead. On that day, they just have to join, and that’s it! It’s very simple to operate this network. A definite yes and total worthy from our side, one must go if they want to stream on multiple platforms.


Is StreamYard value for money?

Yes, this streaming network is definitely worth every single penny, and it isn't even necessary to go for a paid platform!

Is there any free trial for StreamYard?

There is a completely free package for StreamYard, and those want to go for a free trial must definitely go for it.

What can StreamYard do?

StreamYard helps in multi-streaming live sessions across different networks, and boost up the audiences in several ways.

Can StreamYard be a Facebook alternative?

Yes, StreamYard is a perfect alternative since Facebook's live streaming is very weak.

Written by

Chiranshu Monga

Hey! 🙋‍♂️ Myself Chiranshu Monga, Everyday Learner & Earner. 😉 Passionate marketer & developer working heartily in digital industry from past 10+ years and love to share some quality stuff on my lovely blog:🔥 Worked with top digital brands as an Affiliate & increase there sales + Experienced in Paid Ads with Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Native Ads & Pop Ads. 🤘

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