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Jim Kwik SuperBrain Review: Is this MindValley Quest Worth?


To some people, it is difficult to remember things as their memory power is low, and also they are unable to perform the tasks rapidly and almost such kind of people are not active at all.

To all those people who are struggling with memory then it is the right time to shift to a program that can bring more changes in your real life. 

Elon Musk review about SuperBrain Quest Program

Here is the SuperBrain course, Jim Kwik is the author of this course and it is one of the popular Mindvalley Quests.

This course program is a 30 days program, and without any doubt, one can discover the real potentiality of their Brains.

It is nothing to wonder as Jim Kwik SuperBrain course is to increase the capacity of memory and review it to know how it boosts the memory power. 

🔅 What is Mindvalley?

Mindvalley Review

Mindvalley is a platform where you can learn how to change lives in a positive way as it provides different courses to help in the transformation of your life.

Among the list of the Mindvalley courses, here is the Jim Kwik SuperBrain course review which deals with how to improve the memory power of the brain.  

😍 What is Jim Kwik SuperBrain Course?

Jim Kwik SuperBrain course is one of Mindvalley’s programs that helps to develop memory by eliminating all the limitations.

It will take just 30 days to complete the program and till now over 2,455,622 students are enrolled in this program.

Jim Kwik SuperBrain

Many of the customers found the changes while participating in this program, and by the end, it changes and they described it as a productive & worthy program to invest time & money in. 

The main agenda of this course is to remember more and increase memory power, also one can easily increase their speed of learning.

This training is provided completely with easy methods and one can easily transform their brainpower as soon as possible. If you really want to transform your brain then it is good to go with the Jim Kwik SuperBrain course. 

🤠 About Jim Kwik – Author of SuperBrain Quest Course

The author of Mindvalley’s SuperBrain Quest is Jim Kwik, he is one powerful trainer of accelerating learning, memory, brain performance & speed reading across the world.

He gives a deep insight into learning & reading fastly, how to increase memory power, and how to develop brain performance in this course. 

Jim Kwik

More than the past two decades he trained many celebrities, entrepreneurs, professionals, and other people who want to transform their brainpower.

From childhood, he had more curious about the human brain because he faced some challenges like a traumatic brain injury. It is a root cause to develop the techniques on how to improve memory by providing teaching on stage to now coaching billionaires. 

Check out the free masterclass now how this Jim Kwik SuperBrain course really helps the people who want to transform their minds into active ones. 

🤔 What you’ll learn in Jim Kwik’s SuperBrain Quest?

Looking to know what exactly does Jim Kwik SuperBrain Quest teaches the people, then see here is the review with deep analysis on what you’ll learn. 

What you'll learn at Jim Kwik SuperBrain Course

Develop Memory Power 

To any person, it is difficult to remember everything from birthday dates, names, passwords, shopping lists, etc. So, you have to increase your memory to remember everything, And with SuperBrain one can easily supercharge the brain. 

Improve to Learn Rapidly 

It is easy to finish the book 3 times faster when you learn this course, at the same time learning a subject, skill, or a new language will be easy and you can become better day by day. 

Accelerate your Career Opportunities 

One can do more work by consuming less time, Yes what you read to is correct. We all know that creating presentations & reports, developing reports, sending emails, all these things take more time.

This program really accelerates the speed to grab the opportunities for your career and one can easily retain them for a longer period of time. 

Boost your Productivity 

Jim Kwik SuperBrain Quest program assists you to think faster and smarter than ever before, moreover, you can understand & review things by thinking in-depth details. For sure, it will teach you how to be productive in your life.  

Adopt New Habits 

Now, stop the old bad habits and start adopting new habits that are useful for your life. The simple new things make your life healthier by protecting your body and brain.

So making new habits is good for you which improves your quality of life & this course will help you to do this.

Stay Focus to Reach Goals 

Learn to stay focused to reach the goals, and make your brain to do not distract easily by other things. Now, break all your distractions and achieve the goals fastly and effortlessly. 

Be Confident in your Own 

The lessons of the Jim Kwik SuperBrain Quest course will give you more confidence in your life both personally and professionally. In reality, you can manage any tough situation into an easy one because you will be the new version after learning. 

Increase your Grades

This SuperBrain training gives complete mind power so that one can increase their ranks. Even the best thing is it helps you to learn the subject more by investing less time. 

😇 What Exactly do you Get with Jim Kwik SuperBrain Course?

Complete details on what exactly does Jim Kwik SuperBrain Quest program offer to its learners: 

What exactly do you get with Jim Kwik SuperBrain program
  • It accelerates the memory power with speed in learning and reading, and this SuperBrain course really helps people to focus on the things that they want to achieve.
  • The author Jim Kwik provides training and complete the course in 30 days.
  • To make your mind awake the coach provides teachings on weekly basis. It’s totally your turn on how you utilize the opportunity by following all the guides.
  • Including with this program, gain the added bonus of training videos.
  • All you need is just pay for once and get lifetime access to the program along with bonuses.
  • Learn the program on any device on the go as it MindValley has a Smartphone app. This app works on both Apple and Android mobile phones.
  • Get the programs that can work on the Desktop version, iPad, and also on Apple TV.
  • Get lifetime access to Jim Kwik SuperBrain course student active online community members.

👉 What is the Curriculum of The SuperBrain Quest Program?

Jim Kwik SuperBrain program is a 30-day challenge program which means it takes just 4-5 weeks where you can supercharge your brain to increase memory power.

The curriculum is designed to learn the techniques easily as it is a completely online class video and so you can transform your mind with easy steps.

After completion of the program, one can become more powerful with supercharged by remembering every single piece of information. 

From the fundamentals to learning new paths, and easy ways to memorize things everything is provided in the curriculum.

Jim Kwik SuperBrain quest Curriculum

This program also deals with providing training on how to change your lifestyle, how to remember long lists such as groceries, how to remember names, how to learn easily a new language & its vocabulary, how to remember speeches, texts, how to remember numbers & dates, and how to implement all the things to get a better life. 

These eight parts are very crucial to supercharge your brain and so you can learn, implement practice to make your brain so powerful. On the whole, this curriculum gives an insight into how it is easy to manage things in life.

So, what now, Jim Kwik SuperBrain Quest program is recommended to people who are weak to remember important dates and other things in life.  

✔️How does Jim Kwik SuperBrain Quest Works?

Jim Kwik’s SuperBrain course is all about how to learn, how to transform the brain by supercharging with a great memory. The main agenda of this program is to improve the quality of working of the brain and also how to develop memory power.

You can change the improvement of thinking with this course and also helps you to build self-confidence. 

This course is suitable for any person of any profession, as it can assists you in how to develop new ideas. It trains your brain more powerfully and also to manage things in the right way.

The best part is it manages your lifestyle, and you can remember everything easily including names. After completing the quest, you’ll become more energetic and your brain starts to function actively. 

From dreams, speeches, to friends names, contact numbers, etc everything you’ll remember, and don’t ever forget a single incident. It teaches according to your day-to-day lifestyle so that you can easily identify the changes and on the other side implement things with more confidence on what you learn the previous day.

Jim Kwik always encourages people to believe that their brain is a SuperBrain and one can think creatively and for that he mainly concentrates on teaching brain lessons to become more healthy. 

One can learn things effortlessly by watching all the videos and implement the things to work out in your life. When you follow his complete guide, then slowly you can progress the changes in you. From thought process to learning things, remember things, and many more you can achieve with this quest program.

It just not only supercharge your brain but also build confidence in you to do things in the perfect way by following its instructions. 

To see progress rapidly means, you have to practice more tasks and even Jim Kwik tells his students to practice more. After completion of the course, you have to start implementing the things every day on what you learn from this program.

Once you start practicing things means you can become addicted to them and therefore you can be the better. If you become better means automatically your brain be better and there is an improvement in your life. 

👀 For Whom Does Jim Kwik’s SuperBrain Course is?

There are many things to remember in our day-to-day life, so it seems that it is difficult to remember every single piece of information but No, it is completely wrong it is proved by Jim Kwik SuperBrain course.

Yes, Jim Kwik promises that one can remember things like contact numbers, names, important dates, and many more when you choose this SuperBrain Quest. 

No matter whatever be the problem, you can get out of from Jim Kwik SuperBrain course as it helps to remember, learn and review anything. You can increase the memory power of your brain, build confidence, develop communication skills, increase learning and reading speed, and can also make quick & right decisions.

If you remember the important dates or anything that which are related to the important person of your life. This Quest is all about providing techniques and guides you on how to remember things.

The only thing that you have to do is just do practice more and more, you can see the immediate results. The best thing is you can observe and identify the changes yourselves. 

This Jim Kwik’s SuperBrain Quest is not for particular people or for particular ages as it is suitable for everyone. All you need to do is just listen, practice, implement and invest time to see quick results. Learning all the techniques is just not enough, you have to practice more and more.

Then only you earn potential, ability, confidence, and everything that you’re lack in your life.

Overall, anyone from any profession of any age can choose this program as it is not restricted to some category of people. The learning technique of this course is like your daily works and also suitable for anyone, so nothing to worry about on how to take training.

Now, it’s your turn if you have any problems like being unable to remember things (bad memory) or not having any confidence to do something in your life, unable to learn things or facing any hard time, unable to read faster, then Jim Kwik’s SuperBrain Course is the right choice. 

😛 Bonuses provided in the Jim Kwik SuperBrain Course 

Jim Kwik’s SuperBrain course offers different bonuses, when you join immediately to the course now you’ll get more benefits. The bonuses provided after joining to Jim Kwik SuperBrain course are 

Jim Kwik SuperBrain Course Bonus

Bonus 1 

The first bonus is all about how to overcome procrastination, as it provides simple five steps. One can fastly, quickly, and easily beat procrastination without facing any struggle. Even though your brain works low or less effectively you can learn and overcome things as soon as possible.

Bonus 2 

The second bonus in Jim Kwik’s SuperBrain course is all 8C’s that helps to Muscle Memory. It deals all about discovering an outline on different things by consuming less energy with fast results. Yes, it is more beneficial to the people who are taking or absorbing more time to do any work. 

Bonus 3 

Bonus 3 is regarding remembering all your dreams, it is because the dreams always give us a message. When you follow all the six steps, you’ll remember every single dream after waking up the next morning, and also it is easy to analyze the messages of the dreams easily. 

Bonus 4

Super reading with speed is the fourth bonus you’ll get when you buy this SuperBrain course. In this class, one will learn the tips, techniques that are required to learn fastly. After completion of the program, you can examine on your own the improvement of reading. It really helps you out to increase the reading speed to 25 – 50% easily. 

🎁 Jim Kwik SuperBrain Course Pricing Plans 

If you’re looking to buy this Jim Kwik’s SuperBrain course then it costs $449 and you have the opportunity to pay the amount in three installments of $159 each. Then totally you have to pay around $477 and enjoy this program on all devices. 

If you’re looking to unlock all the programs that are available on Mindvalley along with SuperBrain on all devices, then it costs $499/year.

It is a Mindvalley Membership program that includes 50+ programs. If you are still unable to decide, then the Jim Kwik SuperBrain course offers a test drive option, just pay and try for 15 days to review the program.

Jim Kwik SuperBrain Pricing

If it doesn’t work and didn’t match your expectations they will refund your entire amount. From the starting day of the purchase, just try for 15 days and get the refund amount with just a click without asking any questions.

The benefits of joining the Jim Kwik SuperBrain Course means you’ll get lifetime access to the program, free upgrade options, and some special discounts.

It accepts the payments through VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and PayPal, and you don’t need to worry about security as all payments will be done on a secured server. One should remember that EU VAT charges are said to apply to your payment address. 

✨ Pros and Cons of Jim Kwik SuperBrain Course 


  • Offers 7 days risk-free money-back guarantee
  • The course is available for lifetime access
  • It is a complete 30 days program
  • Get training from the coach on a weekly basis
  • One can easily transform their brain with this program
  • One can examine their personal development after completion of the course
  • Get Bonus content with this program
  • The program is available in video format
  • Compatible with all devices
  • Gain unbreakable focus in a short time
  • Gain Self- confidence
  • Practice daily tasks to improve quickly


  • No free trial offer is the major drawback
  • VAT charges are extra costs to pay

❣️ Jim Kwik SuperBrain Course Customer Reviews 

The customers after taking the Jim Kwik SuperBrain course are felt very happy with the program as they can feel the change of brain working faster and smarter.

They also said that they can remember even a single piece of matter and also managed the speed of learning and reading.

This program is picked by many professionals across the world including Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and many other people.

Moreover, they provided their personal experiences on how it worked for them and explained about self-improvement in their life after taking the course. Now, we can see the reactions and reviews of the customers in the image format which is mentioned below. 

SuperBrain Customer Reviews

🔥 Final Conclusion on Jim Kwik’s SuperBrain

Jim Kwik is the trainer of SuperBrain Quest is to supercharge the brain, improve the thinking process, increase your learning and reading ability, change your lifestyle, build confidence to step ahead in life further.

It is just a 30-day program to invest time and money, and the classes will take just 15-20 minutes per day. 

If you’re looking to improve your memory power, increase your thinking nature then it is recommended to choose SuperBrain Quest.

It really helps everyone and today many professionals from Elon Musk to Will Smith are took training by Jim Kwik. This course has the capability to increase your complete lifestyle and become more productive like never before. 

It teaches mainly how to increase and sharpen your memory power from conversations, speeches, texts, and other important aspects of your life. Just supercharge your brain and life with this quest which provides unlimited access and start living productively.

💫 Frequently Asked Questions

🤞 Do Jim Kwik’s methods are really helpful to memorize and learn things fastly?

Yes, Jim Kwik’s Superbrain Quest really helps to supercharge the brain by increasing the memory power, and those who took this program can easily learn things fastly. The method of training is simple and one can easily follow them.

✌️ Did Jim Kwik had a brain injury?

One of the reasons behind this SuperBrain course provided by Jim Kwik is that he has some personal experience i.e., he had a traumatic brain injury. Later, he was unable to remember many important things in life. So, he brings all his experiences through this course and now many people & professionals are following his techniques.

👍 Does the Jim Kwik SuperBrain course just improves memory power?

No, Jim Kwik SuperBrain Course is just not only to improve the memory power but also one can easily build self-confidence, increase the learning process, and supercharge reading ability. Overall, one can change the personal lifestyle with this program easily.

Written by

Chiranshu Monga

Hey! 🙋‍♂️ Myself Chiranshu Monga, Everyday Learner & Earner. 😉 Passionate marketer & developer working heartily in digital industry from past 10+ years and love to share some quality stuff on my lovely blog:🔥 Worked with top digital brands as an Affiliate & increase there sales + Experienced in Paid Ads with Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Native Ads & Pop Ads. 🤘

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